Why Working For Your Own Self-Interest Can Be Detrimental
The 21st century is a revolutionary time for business. The internet has allowed for more access to ideas and resources than ever before in human history. However, this overwhelming connectedness can also be the singular roadblock to success. We have more access to knowledge, and are more connected, so why isn’t everyone winning?
The answer is simple: just because we all have access to the same thing, does not guarantee that we all know how to extract value from it. Connectedness is a state of being, we either allow it to expand our reach, or we let it scare us into isolation.
The Casualty of Individualism (Self-Interest)
The individual can crumble under the weight of his dreams without the support of others.
In school, we are often reminded of the importance of individualism. The first thing we learn is that we are intrinsically special, whether anybody else agrees or not. This mindset is very powerful, and it can be the building block to tremendous confidence and security, however, it can also fester into dissociation – anathema to productivity and success. If these forces are to dominate, the singular entrepreneur takes form. The singular entrepreneur wants to do it all by himself. He is closed off and does not strive to cultivate meaningful relationships with others. As a result, he does not respect his own time because he is unable to trust the competence of others. A believer of the false adage that if you want something done right, you must do it yourself. The singular entrepreneur is constantly stressed, confused, and overwhelmed with his workload. He finds no time to do tasks he enjoys and is therefore extremely inefficient. he is overworked, under-utilized and afraid of the future. Static and vulnerable to change, he risks crumbling with the weak foundations he’s built.
The Collective Individual
Strong genuine relationships are what sew the fabric of success.
The successful entrepreneur understands the importance of cultivating relationships. He respects the value of his time. Humbled by his experiences, admits he cannot do it alone. He knows others are better at completing certain tasks than he is, and so trusts their competence; he invites them to impress with their talent. A master at leveraging other peoples time to reach his goals, he only leaves the most critical tasks for himself. As a result, he has more time to do the things he loves. More efficient and successful, he thrives in the free openness of the internet age. Malleable and resourceful, he is wise enough to embrace the future and therefore recruits others into his vision so that they can prosper by protecting his interests.
The secret to motivating people and maintaining their morale is to get them to think less about themselves and more about the group.
The Symbiotic Relationship of Success
The path to prosperity is seldom traveled alone. It is neither the journey nor the destination that creates the stories, but instead the encounters along the way.
A successful entrepreneur has the same 24 hours that you do. He is more productive because he realizes the value of cooperation. He is an expert at delegating critical, often time-consuming tasks to competent people who can get the job done faster. Whether you are the entrepreneur or the competent individual, there is success in this synergy. The Remora and the shark both get to thrive because of the other. Symbiotic relationships are the lifeblood of good business, and they are the secret to productivity.
There is Hope for Everyone
If you find yourself vulnerable to the rapidly expanding landscape of business and technology, realize that you can still succeed. If you clearly define your vision and identify the steps to reach your goals it is possible to thrive. Be honest with yourself, delegate the tasks you are not efficient at, and focus on the biggest impact you can make in the shortest time. Trust others and others will trust you. The larger your network the bigger your influence!
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